Toddler Care
- Teacher interaction with children
- Teach character development and life skills
- Social skills
- Creative art and expression
- Language and literacy
- Science and math skills
- Expression and creative skills
- Sensory experiences
- Music and movement
- Storytime
- Promotes health and nutrition for families
Our Certified Caregivers will help stimulate your child in these key areas for development
- Language and early literacy
- Make Early Attempts at speaking
- Learn to understand a variety of words by listening, observing, and engaging
- Use sounds and gestures to express needs, wants, and interests
- Listen to books read aloud
Executive Function
- Work on early memory skills
- Focus attention for short periods of time
- Use different approaches to solve simple problems, such as making sounds and pointing
- Control impulses some of the time
Social and emotional Development
- Form an attachment to familiar adults
- Begin to interact with other children
- Express some emotions through sounds, facial expressions, and movements
- Build a sense of self by recognizing self in a mirror
Preschool classes begin at age 2 thru 5 yrs